Saturday, May 21, 2011

I want to live in Spain for just one month cheaply this summer, how can I do that

I want to live in Spain for just one month cheaply this summer, how can I do that?
I understand what is, but I would like something more reliable and be able to stay in the place for a whole month. Barecelona, specifically.
Other - Europe - 2 Answers
Random Answers, Critics, Comments, Opinions :
1 :
Try VRBO.COM ( Vacation rental by owner) Im not sure if they will have any in spain , but check it out It cheap and reliable.
2 :
Start with Great list of apartments. a self-catering apartment is the way to go. Try to be sure you know what kind of neighborhood you are getting into. I don't know whether I would have wanted to stay in the neighborhood I was in for more than a week. It was a bit dicey, and kind of near a red light should try to find out that kind of stuff if possible.

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