Tuesday, July 7, 2009

Does anyone know a nice place to live and work as a massage therapist in spain

Does anyone know a nice place to live and work as a massage therapist in spain??
i need one or the other. anything will help! seriously! i've always wanted to go there and now i have training which will let me get a decent job. is there a really nice place to live in spain? out of the slums perferably! and what is a really nice spa over there? please get back to me with any info! thanks!
Other - Spain - 3 Answers
Random Answers, Critics, Comments, Opinions :
1 :
The Costa Del Sol is heaven on earth...do a search for spas and resort hotels - there a dozens - you'll love it!
2 :
um..gee...ANYWHERE IN SPAIN??...I dig what youre saying and I admire that ...I DO!!...but come on. Youre just into Spanish guys like the rest of us aintcha? ..KIDDING!...If i knew id help ya but i assume anywhere i spain is nice. ...at least the guys are...(giggle) Good luck hon!~~Stacy
3 :
The mainly wealth costa del sol, especially Marbella. Check out www.surinenglish.com this free paper is in English and has job vacancies too. for accommodation go to www.4rentholidayhomes.com for long term rentals. Best of wishes.

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