Tuesday, July 14, 2009

What visa should a Canadian get to live in Spain for a year

What visa should a Canadian get to live in Spain for a year?
I recently fell in love with a Spanish girl and want to move to Barcelona to live with her in June (6 months from now). I'd be staying there for at least a year. I have enough money to support myself, but wouldnt be opposed to working if it made it easier to get a visa. What type of visa should I apply for and how long will the application process take?
Catalunya - 2 Answers
Random Answers, Critics, Comments, Opinions :
1 :
Go to the nearest Spanish consulate and ask them. I should think a WORK visa might be the best, though they are very difficult to come by these days. The most important factor in judging your timing would be the finding of a sponsor, someone to vouch for the fact that your work skills are necessary.
2 :
About the only visa you're eligible for is a Working Holiday Visa. This will allow you to stay in Spain for 12 months, and to work while you're there. But be aware that Spain has a very high unemployment rate and finding work could be extremely difficult - especially if you do not speak Spanish. At the end of 12 months you must return home. As for other visas: there is no work visa for Spain, to get a full-time job there you will need to apply for and be offered a job before going to Spain. The drawback here is that the Spanish employer must show that there are no Spanish or EU citizens available to do the job. And few employers want to go through the work visa process for a foreigner. Otherwise, as a Canadian you can stay in Spain, visa free, for a period of 90 days, but you cannot work on this visa. There is also a long-stay visa, but for this you must prove that you can support yourself financially as you cannot work on this visa either. Working Holiday Visa application information in on the Embassy of Spain website: http://www.maec.es/subwebs/Embajadas/Ottawa/en/MenuPpal/Consular/Visadoslargaduracin/Paginas/Visados%20larga%20duracin.aspx If you have any questions about visas contact the nearest Spanish consulate, or the Embassy of Spain in Canada.

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