Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Hi if I plan to live in Spain for a couple of years, what do I need to do to become a legal Spanish resident

Hi if I plan to live in Spain for a couple of years, what do I need to do to become a legal Spanish resident?
Hi I always wish to live in Europe & Spain is my favorite Euro country. I do speak Spanish but I could read little. If I plan to live in Spain, what do I need to do to become a legal Spanish resident? Thank you.
Immigration - 3 Answers
Random Answers, Critics, Comments, Opinions :
1 :
you need to register with the police department. everyone must. while there get the paperwork you need for a "Certificate of Residence for Foreigners." http://www.expatfocus.com/expatriate-spain-residency-documentation
2 :
If you are a non-EU citizen and cannot acquire citizenship of another EU member state through a parent or grandparent then you will need to apply for a visa before you can legally live & work in Spain http://www.maec.es/subwebs/Consulados/NuevaYork/en/MenuPpal/Documentaci%C3%B3nRequisitosparaServiciosConsulares/RequirementsEntrSpainVisas/Paginas/Visas.aspx
3 :
The first question is "What Nationality are you right now ?" - If you are an EU Citizen, then this is quite easy to do, just by attending the local Foreigners office and submitting an EX16 form. - If you ARE an EU Citizen the full procedure is listed here - http://www.tumbit.com/how-to-guides/articles/2-applying-for-residential-status-residencia-eu-citizens.html - If you are NOT an EU Citizen it can be a little more complex, but this article should explain a little more - http://www.tumbit.com/how-to-guides/articles/135-applying-for-residential-status-residencia-non-eu-citizens.html

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