Wednesday, January 21, 2009

How can I live and work legally in Spain after marrying a French person

How can I live and work legally in Spain after marrying a French person?
I'm an American getting married to a French but I want to live in Spain. Since Europeans have the right to go anywhere in the union to live, what would be my rights as a spouse? What is the first organization I should contact to get all the details I need to proceed with getting legal?
Immigration - 2 Answers
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1 :
Hi I am Swedish and my husband is Canadian citizen. We moved to Spain 10 years ago. Since Sweden is a part of the EU I have the right to live and work in Spain, and my husband has the right to live in Spain because of me. I canĂ‚´t remember exactly what steps we had to follow in order to move here, but it was pretty easy. We had to send our wedding certificate to the Spanish embassy in Sweden to have it translated and stamped in order to prove that we really were married. Good luck. Ingrid
2 :
Contact yours and your local spanish embassies to get up to date information.

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