Tuesday, August 7, 2012

Would you let your 18 year old daughter live in spain for the summer to get a job

Would you let your 18 year old daughter live in spain for the summer to get a job?

Parenting - 13 Answers
Random Answers, Critics, Comments, Opinions :
1 :
Not by herself, but if she's 18 she can do what she wants whether you like it or not, unfortunately. If she went with someone you trust, definitely. Would she settle for a study abroad trip?
2 :
No, but if she is 18 then she is a legal adult and can do anything she wants.
3 :
I was 19 when I moved to Spain and don't regret it for a minute. I gained some amazing life experience, learned *some* of another language, met some wonderful friends and lived my life! It meant that I got so much out of my youth that I was well prepared and ready to grow up when I decided to settle down, get married and have children. I'm 27 now and a mother of two. If either of my children want to move to a foreign country when they're old enough, I will support them 100%.
4 :
Depends on the circumstances and like someone else said. At 18 they can go if they want to.
5 :
It's a little unsafe to live anywhere by yourself. But, she's 18, at some point she's got to live somewhere and get a job. Spain isn't so bad.
6 :
no i wouldn't. anything could happen, if you were with her, that's a different story. but my advice to you is don't let her go.
7 :
Well She can do what she wants, but if she ask me then she insist i have a say so in it right? So no, not unless I lived in Spain lol
8 :
YES. It is an experience of a lifetime and it will allow/force her to develop the independence and self reliance that she will need for the "real world" the rest of her life. Just don't expect her to still be the same person when she gets back. I did the same thin when I was her age and never regretted a moment. I wound up in eastern soviet Europe by the end of it and loved every second. Get her a skype phone for when she goes. It is the only affordable option for calling and checking in with you from time to time.
9 :
It wouldn't really be up to me.
10 :
You don't have a choice unless she needs your money to get there. Now if that is the case then you do have a choice. It would depend on the child how responsible I thought they were and how much I trusted them
11 :
As an adult woman her choice not yours!
12 :
Seeing as she is 18, i would. But i would have to make sure she knows at least one person there with their own house, make sure she has a pre-established place of her own, and also had already started job searching over there. It could be dangerous to just land in another country and expect to start a summer life.
13 :
She would have been an adult for 2 years, I wouldn't have to let her. She's free to do what she wants. I wouldn't have a problem with it anyway, it's good to travel.

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