Tuesday, August 14, 2012

can my daughter take her 4 year old daughter to live in spain without the fathers consent

can my daughter take her 4 year old daughter to live in spain without the fathers consent?

Marriage & Divorce - 7 Answers
Random Answers, Critics, Comments, Opinions :
1 :
There is a legal issue here.....better to talk to an attorney than YA......Good Luck!
2 :
It probably depends if the father doesn't mind. If she is trying to do this without him on purpose then no, i think she needs his consent. If he doesnt say anything then i doubt it matters......then again i dont know anything about international law nor am i a lawyer...
3 :
That might be kidnapping. Yeah, she can sneak off and run away- it is possible.
4 :
No, she can't.
5 :
I don't know the exact legalities about your situation but my parents are divorced and my mom can't take my little sister even out of the state with out my dad's consent. Usually if he has any visitation rights then she needs his consent.
6 :
bitter battle ahead work something out
7 :
NO! Not unless he is dead. He has to give consent or its kidnapping!

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