Friday, January 14, 2011

When best to divide Canna lilies. I live in Spain and it is late summer.

When best to divide Canna lilies. I live in Spain and it is late summer.?
My Canna lilies are in pots and have been flowering most of the summer. They aer bursting out of their pots, when is the best time to divide the here in Spain.
Garden & Landscape - 2 Answers
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1 :
I don't know how cold your Winters get. I live in Wisconsin, and don't divide anything until Spring. That way the plants have all Summer to get over the shock of being divided and all that time to develop new roots. To do it now, when it's nearing fall, they just won't develop a new, strong root system that will withstand frozen ground and sub-zero temps. We can't leave anything in pots through the Winter. Sorry, I don't know your climate.
2 :
when i had canna's i dug them up in the fall and divided them, then planted in early spring

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