Friday, January 7, 2011

How do I get Legal papers to live in Spain

How do I get Legal papers to live in Spain?
I'm a hispanic living in the UNited States. I was born in El salvador. What I want to know is how to go to Spain and live there but i have head tht in that counttry you also need migratory paper work to work and live there I want to know if I as a hispanic American would be able to live in Spain without any of these and be recognize as a spaniord based on my descence my great grand father was from Spain but i do not know what his name was i know his last name is the one i carry today but i would like to know what i have to do travel there and get a decent job just like everyone else i mean spaniords . thanks you for your time ill be hoping someone looks into my question and ill be waiting for an answer.
Spain - 2 Answers
Random Answers, Critics, Comments, Opinions :
1 :
Go to the Spanish Consulate. I think they are located in Washington DC, New York, San Fransisco.
2 :
You can either go to the consulate to apply yourself or contact a lawfirm to assist you. If you can show that you have a relative with a Spanish passport you can reduce the amount of paperwork. Below is a company that can assist with processing paperwork for you,, Saludos

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