Saturday, November 7, 2009

How can I arrange to live in Spain

How can I arrange to live in Spain?
I'm in college [17 years old], but I've decided that when I get [considerably] older, I want to move to Spain, just for a year. Does anyone know what I'd have to do in order to make that possible? Paperwork, getting a job, a house, etc?
Other - Spain - 3 Answers
Random Answers, Critics, Comments, Opinions :
1 :
Best bet: take your Junior year in Spain. Get credit for it. Be single, and free, and have more time than you probably ever had in the US (I always had a job. It was the first time in years that I didn't have a job). You will never regret it. I took the summer and my between semester break and travelled the rest of Europe. (buy your Eurail passes before you leave the US). The problem is that jobs and work permits are getting more and more difficult to come by, and the whole year abroad thing makes everything so easy. All the problems you might encounter, there is an advisor to help you through them. Take my advice. Do the Junior Year Abroad thing. Take a full year. Then, if you still want to go and work, you will have some contacts, and an idea of what you will be getting yourself into, because the political/economic climate changes so fast sometimes. Good Luck!!
2 :
If you live in the EU you have a right to come here. If you intend coming here for just a year you will need to rent accommodation. Depending on where you want to live, that could be expensive. Most people coming here for a year usually go where other English speaking live and that will be the expensive area. Getting a job. I can only comment about that being at the moment. The job situation is not good here. You may be able to work in a bar or wait on tables, but the wages will be poor and the hours will be long. On the otherhand, if you are studying for a career and do well and gain qualifications, then just possibly you may find a job in the future in your profession. If you have a dream of coming here, now is the time to study and get yourself qualified. It is far better to start halfway up the ladder than from the bottom. You have time to do homework on coming here to Spain. The paperwork will drive you mad, but it has to be done. Make sure your holidays are over here if you and your parents agree on that. There is nothing better than learning first hand. Best of luck.
3 :
You can contact the Spanish Consulate in Washington and they will send you an entire packet of paperwork to fill out. You need to show PROOF that you have an independent income of $1500 PER MONTH because you can't WORK in Spain. You need to be able to speak Spanish BEFORE you go to Spain, if you want to live cheaply... if you can only talk English or AmeriKan... you will pay twice as much for EVERYTHING.

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