Thursday, January 21, 2010

i would like to live in spain and am thinking of teaching english. What should I expect

i would like to live in spain and am thinking of teaching english. What should I expect?
I will need to make a living in spain but can't think of any profession that will allow me to make money and to stay in the country longer than 90 days. I would like to live there for several years. Am I looking for anyone who has done this and their experience and advice! I am an American woman by the way if that helps
Teaching - 3 Answers
Random Answers, Critics, Comments, Opinions :
1 :
In certain cases you can find a TEFL course that will assist you with Visa applications and Employment applications once you have qualified. I would look into that possibility first of all as it will save you a lot of time, money and effort. You could start by contacting these people as I know they have a number of schools in the USA -
2 :
The obvious job is teaching English. But the obvious difficulty is the visa. You will have to find a school which will give you a job and help you with the visa. This may not be easy but it does happen. So really you need to be there in person, qualified and ready to work.
3 :
You have to have an EU passport to work in Spain, or just go there and work illegally. Some Americans do that.

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