Saturday, January 21, 2012

if you live in Spain but you are Us citizen do you have social security when you reach 65

if you live in Spain but you are Us citizen do you have social security when you reach 65?
do you have the right to pay for it and have medical attention, I would like to know my husband is US and he is 62
United States - 6 Answers
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1 :
Only if you have paid in to the system. If you were self-employed you would have paid self-employment taxes on your self-employment income and therefore would have had reportable wages and would be covered. If you worked for a US company overseas, FICA taxes would have been withheld from your wages and you would be covered. If you worked for non-US employers then you would not have paid FICA taxes and would not be covered. You presumably would be covered by whatever similar program that is offered in Spain. Medicare is different, whether you paid FICA taxes or not. Medical treatment outside of the US is not covered by Medicare under any circumstances. The only exception is very limited emergency treatment rendered in Canada and Mexico. Not that it matters in this case, but Medicare is not available at age 62. You cannot sign up until age 65.
2 :
Your Social Security benefits are funded by deductions from your weekly pay and the amount received is based on the amount paid in. In some cases dependent children and spouses are entitled to a benefit. Your husband should contact the SSA to determine if he is entitled to Social Security at 65.
3 :
First of all, Social Security does not provide medical care. That is covered under another program called Medicare. Your entitlements to both are determined by how long you paid into Social Security during your working years. Citizenship by itself is not a qualifier.
4 :
SS benefits, yes if you worked long enough in jobs where you paid into ss. Rules are the same as for a citizen living in the US. But if you're talking about medicare, and sounds like you are when you mention medical attention, no that's not available outside of the US.
5 :
Medicare is not available at age 62 when he is 65 he will have to have his medical attention in the US with doctors who accept Medicare payments in Spain he may be able to utilize their medical system that is not included in Medicare
6 :
If you live in Spain you can still apply for retirement Social Security if you worked enough in the U.S. to get social security and if you are at least 62. The full benefit age is 66 for those born between 1943-1954. The age at which you can get Medicare is 65. However, Medicare works for people inside the U.S. only because each provider is contracted with Medicare and none of them are outside the U.S. If your husband is 62 and has worked enough in the U.S. he can get social security partial benefits now.

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