Sunday, November 21, 2010

how do I make a floater coffee with uht cream, I live in Spain, and they don't know what real cream is

how do I make a floater coffee with uht cream, I live in Spain, and they don't know what real cream is!?

Cooking & Recipes - 1 Answers
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buy whole uht milk.(check for the brands with highest fat amounts) Make the foam from cold milk inserting the pitch 2 cm from the milk surface until the milk is heated (about 60ºC) If you dont have a thermometer it is that time when the milk starts being hot but doesnt burn your hand This is in order to allow fat molecules from the milk get beaten and get a more dense milk and silky textured. This has to be done moving the milk clockwise and slowly until reaching the temp. Then put the pitch on the milk surface to get a nice foam like capuccino's, until desired. If you only heat the milk from the surface likea normal capuccino you will never get a dense milk with creamy texture. You have to use a similar techinique than for latte's. Check the net for latte making and they have pretty good explanations that may help you.

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