Saturday, August 21, 2010

I want to learn spanish/live in spain during the summer

I want to learn spanish/live in spain during the summer!?
Hi guys, I'm 17 and I love the spanish language and in the future I would really like to persue a career in translating or something! I was just wondering does any one know of any where you can go to learn spanish in spain like a summer camp or something? Anything that will help me become more confident in the language, gracias :D
Languages - 3 Answers
Random Answers, Critics, Comments, Opinions :
1 :
I found the best way to pick spanish up was surround myself with native spanish speakers. I moved when i was 16 and came back when i was 21 and i tried my hardest and became fluent in that time. You can go to uni out there but you cant learn a language over night and would have to take exams if you would want to be a translator. Start off in bars and reaturants, then progress to supermarkets and then office work. But remember, there are different dialects, depending what region you go to. Northan spainish is very different to southern spainish. And also, it wont be cheap to live as some people might asume. I paid €600 rent alone (not including any bills) a month and i had two jobs. Worked days and nights. You get about €4-5 an hour. Good luck
2 :
Here is a link to a spanish school is Spain: Good Luck!
3 :
Castila, is one of destinations around the word Where You Can Learn to speak Spanish, Spanish Course is easy to like Spain.Intensive learn.Castila Are Accredited School Located in Aljibe del Gato, 1. Granada 18010 Spain.Call them on +34 958 205863.

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