Wednesday, July 7, 2010

I want to live luxurious in Spain......How much will it cost

I want to live luxurious in Spain......How much will it cost???
I am a entrepreneur here in the US........make mid 6 figures............but I am only i have not made retirement status yet...I looked at some places to move to and thought spain is a very beautiful country......and I think I want to retire there.....probably around the coast like Barcelona or maybe Valencia...just somewhere nice....I want a Big house a couple nice cars.....etc......So what would be retirement staus to live in Spain???
Other - Destinations - 3 Answers
Random Answers, Critics, Comments, Opinions :
1 :
Yeah, and I would like to be the Queen of England but a little thing like tile gets in the way. I make 4 figures and I would like to just survive no matter where I live. Go to Spain and find out for yourself and don't be such a darn bragger. Like I believe you in the first place. jeeech!
2 :
Good luck. You would need ALOT of money to live luxuriously here. The rich people here are FILTHY rich.
3 :
No way Jose! To live like you thing in Spain or other country in Europe no less than 30,000 euros per month (maybe more), but to have 2 cars just for yourself reveals an "new-rich" style that europeans does't like

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