Monday, September 7, 2009

How much did Spain pay to win the world cup ? oh and I live in Spain before anyone starts shouting

How much did Spain pay to win the world cup ? oh and I live in Spain before anyone starts shouting !!?
I don't like football, but once every 4 years i watch the world cup, how on earth did they win ? they had so many fouls given for them, so many bad calls made in their favor but seriously how much do you think Spain paid to win the world cup ? Oh and please answers by people who don 't think the national currency of Spain is the Peso !?!?!?!?!? WTF
Other - Soccer - 5 Answers
Random Answers, Critics, Comments, Opinions :
1 :
i think Netherlands was doomed from the beginning to lose. the referee was definitely in favor of Spain. i really couldn't care less who won because since i'm supporting neither team but i felt bad for Netherlands. there's no such thing as skill or love of the game anymore. just bullsh*t. Most of the world wanted Spain to win and FIFA wanted Spain to win. they got what they wanted. just saying.
2 :
Well, the country of Spain paid their players about 775,000 (peso? or am I wrong) bonus to their players for playing this game, and I think it was more for winning. Spain was the better team tonight. The Netherlands could have won this game just as Spain did, but instead of playing the game, the Dutch players spent a lot of time arguing calls with the ref, taking their minds out of the game. That's why Spain won, AND the Dutch lost. One team must play well and/or the other team must play poorly. Tonight it was the 'and': Spain was on the play well side, while the Dutch was on the play poorly side. But, here it comes, all of the questions about how the Dutch were robbed and Spain shouldn't have won, but the bottom line is this: there was only one moment where the ball went into the back of the net legally, and it was Spain that put it there. As long as that happens, the team that does that will greatly improve their chances of winning the game. People are going to believe what they want to believe, and generally it will be tainted by the side that person is on. People are funny that way: change the circumstances and what was once fact is no longre fact, but bias. The only true fact I can give anyone about soccer, and it doesn't change regardless of the side you're on: if you put the ball in the back of the net more than your opponent does, you're going to win the game. Argue whether there was a foul disallowed to put it there or not, that's a fact. The Dutch didn't do that tonight. How can they win if they don't?
3 :
Ok, for the one who talked about Pesos............ does anyone in US know that that Spain is in Europe and we use Euros???? Come on......... is it really geography that badly thought in school there??? About how much did Spain pay....... I understand that you don't like football and you probably do not understand a thing..... but whoever watched the game yesterday knows that Holland should've finished with 3 players less. The referee was, if something, clearly pro Dutch. The spanish team gets many fauls in their favor because spanish team style is to keep the ball and they've got good players... so if the oponents cannot get it, they end up frustrated and try to take the ball through fauls.... like yesterday.
4 :
Spain won the World Cup by scoring 4 (!!!!!) goals, at least one of which was off side, and displaying dramatic skills fit for the stage. So is football these days.
5 :
YouĂ‚´re not spaniard, none spaniard would say that, you should be from another country or just a separatist, your envy is my happiness, Spain was far the best team in this last world cup , GO SPAIN !!!

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