Wednesday, November 21, 2012

Want to live in spain, how

Want to live in spain, how?
im interested in travel and tourism, and im learning spanish. i want to work with english toursits and live in spain, but i dont know how i would move there or get a job there? hellp?
Other - Spain - 4 Answers
Random Answers, Critics, Comments, Opinions :
1 :
Where are you from ?? - If you're British or another E.U national then you can move here easily... just come
2 :
There are very few jobs in Spain right now, and lots of people looking. If you were still a student, or independently wealthy.... Good luck. Maybe your own ingenuity will come up with something, but I'd suggest waiting a bit, while you study some more Spanish, cause you'll want to be pretty proficient before you go. Hopefully, the economy will turn sooner or later, and there will be more work. I agree, it's so much easier to deal with people whose first language is English, when traveling, but I'm inclined to think that right now, people who are filling all the jobs you would be interested in are Spaniards. As already mentioned, where you are from DOES matter. It's only a matter of finding work if you are from the EU (and it sounds like you are) but a matter of finding a sponsor and getting a visa if you are from outside the EU...not an easy prospect! It's a great dream! I guess, this is one of those...the things that are worthwhile are never easy situations.
3 :
Learning Spanish to as high a level as possible BEFORE you come over here will deffinately help you, as perhaps would a recognised qualification in Hospitality & Tourism and/or some useful and relevant experience in the UK. Jobs over here are pretty thin on the ground at the moment so you would be well advised to do your searching and applying whilst at home - maybe applying to the various Hotel & Resort Chains and maybe a few Travel Companies. The practicalities of actually moving and living over here are very simple - it s the getting a job to pay your way that you will find hard.
4 :
I moved back to Spain recently. As 'Dart' says there is no work. If you are not self sufficient money wise, get a job in Spain before you leave home. There are lots of people over here who are native English speakers and their Spanish is almost as good. Also the Spanish are not stupid. There are lots of well qualified Spaniards who know lots more than you do. Or even better have 'enchufe' . 'Enchufe'? If you don't know what that is you are not fit to work here. It is the way most people get jobs in Spain. Sorry to be so negative but I feel it is better to be truthful (as I see it). Best of luck!

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