Friday, May 21, 2010

Do i need Visa to live and work in Spain

Do i need Visa to live and work in Spain?
Hi I'm 24 years old. my question is to live in Spain do i need visa to live or work.How many days can i stay in Spain. I have Netherlands Dutch passport. Please let me know.
Other - Spain - 5 Answers
Random Answers, Critics, Comments, Opinions :
1 :
If you are a citizen of the EU country, then no. I don't believe you need a work visa, but you will need a permanent residence permit...check with the local Spanish consulate for best information...Things like that seem to change almost daily.
2 :
If you are Dutch you don´t need a Visa I´ll need a paper called NIE (Numero de identificación extrangeros) .As soon as you´ve got a national health security number and a job contract,you can have the NIE done.Go to any police station and ask (It´s where all this type of papers are done). Things change through the years.My husband is British and he had to go through quite a lot of burocracy was a pain in the @rse. Contact your Embassy and the´ll give you all the information .But to work in Spain legally,you´ll need the NIE,that´s for sure.
3 :
No you do not need a visa to live in Spain, if you are an EU citizen. You will however need a NIE number if you want to work in Spain.
4 :
you have it so easily! you don't need a visa at all because you are a EU citizen
5 :
Being from an EU member state you are allowed to live and work in Spain indefinetely without any requierements. You will just need to fill some paperforms like the NIE, but living and working in Spain is a RIGHT you have, just like any other Spanish citizen.

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