Friday, April 1, 2011

What is the best place for an 18 year old to live in Spain and why

What is the best place for an 18 year old to live in Spain and why?

Other - Spain - 7 Answers
Random Answers, Critics, Comments, Opinions :
1 :
Anywhere is good, but where you find a job is better!
2 :
If you want fun, Barcelona where I live or Ibiza, the best place in the World.
3 :
I would love to live in anywhere in Andalusia because there are some big buzzing cities mixed in with great scenery. great beaches loads to do and a mix of Roman, Islamic and reconquista architecture.
4 :
Wherever your independently wealthy little heart desires.
5 :
With his parents. Because you aint finding a job to be able to support yourself over here at the moment.
6 :
That Miracle place that you may just be lucky enough to find a job. Good luck.
7 :
I am 20, and i have been living in Valencia, Spain for three months. 18 is the drinking age so for things like that you are set anywhere in Spain. Barcelona and Madrid are big cities that are fun, but for a place to call home i would go with Valencia. It is Spains third largest city and it has beaches, history and a lot of fun places to go. It is the best of all worlds when concerning Spain. The weather is beautiful. Read more about it on this website... safe travels!

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