Thursday, May 21, 2009

Can I live in Spain legally as an independent contractor

Can I live in Spain legally as an independent contractor?
I am an American, and I'm moving to Spain next year with my boyfriend, who will be stationed in Rota. We're not married, so I'm trying to think of creative ways to stay in the country (legally). I am a tax accountant; my boss here is willing to contract work to me through e-mail, and have me complete it there and send it back each day, 40 hours/week. Can I live in Spain like this? Working as an independent contractor, for an American company? I would prefer to find a second job in Spain (as a barista or waitress), but I have heard the job economy is not ideal for Americans, and even if it weren't, I don't know what kind of visas I would need, etc. I am taking Spanish lessons twice a week now, but I don't know enough yet to interview in Spanish right now. By the time I move there, I hope to be conversational.
Small Business - 2 Answers
Random Answers, Critics, Comments, Opinions :
1 :
The answer is that as you are not European you cannot legally work in a European country. In some areas of Spain you can survive on English but for any professional job you will need good Spanish.
2 :
Rota spain is so expensive. You will need to contact the proper authorities i.e imigration, the spain concilate, for the proper visas but you may need that extra job. even the military men dont general make enough to get by I here several navy men having to get second jobs while there. its the most expensive city in spain. Being married would help both of you. you would qualify for base housing. Good luck

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