Tuesday, May 1, 2012

Which of the following countries are more affordable for Americans to live in? Spain, London, or Greece

Which of the following countries are more affordable for Americans to live in? Spain, London, or Greece?
Can someone list these countries according to most affordable and desirable for americans wanting to live abroad? p.s. do they speak much english in greece? I was told it's the number 2 language When I say london I'm referring to Enlgand but London would be my city of choice if I were to move to England...I know England has a lot to offer besides London, but I prefer London over other cities. Ok people I know LONDON IS A CITY NOT A COUNTRY, but but I was too lazy to add the extra word "Englalnd" after I typed London. Holy cow!!
Other - Europe - 9 Answers
Random Answers, Critics, Comments, Opinions :
1 :
OMG do NOT come 2 London EVERYTHING is SOO overexpensive and everyones getting shot.... id say Spain or Portugal :D well goodluck♥♥
2 :
London is a city, not a country, and incidentally, is one of the most expensive cities in the world. My guess is that Greece would be the cheapest of those places. Large cities are always going to be more expensive than more rural areas.
3 :
some price comparisons for you to review
4 :
WTF is tht person above on about? Yes there are some gun crimes, but not tht many!!! Everything in london is REALLY expensive though, remember $2 is about £1, so everything will be twice as expensive over here......take a loaf of bread even, that will be twice as much Britain is a better country though (could be a bit bias as im a brit lol)
5 :
Ranked as most desirable to live, in my opinion, 1. Spain 2. London 3. Greece. I'd choose Spain over the others any day! Ranked as most affordable, in actuality 1. Greece 2. Spain 3. London. All are great places. London is incredibly expensive. A on way tube ticket is running about 4 pounds (8 dollars) while in Paris it is 1.50 Euros (2 dollars). Spain is still reasonable in prices. I think Greece is even a little more affordable. It would not surprise me that a lot of Greeks speak English. In Athens and around the tourist areas of the country you'll find them most frequently.
6 :
hate to tell you this but London is not a country
7 :
well im not american but i visited this countries. london is very beautiful, but expensive. you can live in other cities glasgow, edimburgh... they are very beautifuls cities too. and more cheap spain. the weather is hot, there are beautifuls cities and the people is friendly. the english is very spoken (there are a lot of tourists). the live is more cheap but more expensive than USA. you can find work very fast Greece. i was only 4 hours in Greece. the life is more bad than in theother two.but it's a verybeautiful place. the english is spoken( for the tourist). hope i help
8 :
Being Greek I can answer for what I know. English is broadly spoken in almost every place in Greece and a lot better than spoken in England and a great lot more than Spain, if you are lucky to get anyone to speak to you apart from the tourist trade. Living in Greece is currently much more affordable than in any of the other two cities, while conditions of living are better since despite of what you may have heard, all our foreigners are welcomed and respected so long as they respect our ways. A large number of Americans are living on the southern seaside suburbs of Athens, or at the more expensive North suburbs of the city. English speaking schools and jobs are an easy matter. It's only a matter of your choice, but I would choose Greece any time and not because I'm Greek, but because the way of living and the conditions are easier here than in the other two.
9 :
I'm living in Greece and it's important to note that although it may be cheaper overall in rent, it is higher in normal everyday goods from the grocery store than Spain AND Greek salaries are half or one-third those of Spain and one-fifth to one-tenth those of the UK. So rent may be lower in Greece (overall), but someone earning a salary in Spain can easily afford the higher rent. Standard of life in Greece is quite low unless you are connected, have family here already or have money coming from a source outside the country. Spain would be my choice. It's the Mediterranean, much improved in standard of life and services (people are warm and smile) and the weather is quite good. The only drawback is language if you don't speak Spanish. Very few speak English. English is not widely spoken at a high level in Greece, though many know enough to give simple directions and help tourists. Doing any sort of bureaucracy, finding a service or going to the hospital will require Greek in many cases (even in Athens) unless you patronize businesses owned by expats and offices in richer areas. Choosing to live in London is a matter of expense (quite high) and weather (quite gray), but at least salaries are on par with costs, diversity is great and services are efficient and straightforward.

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