Wednesday, December 21, 2011

What kinds of animals (mammals) live in Spain

What kinds of animals (mammals) live in Spain?

Other - Spain - 3 Answers
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Mammals in Spain / Spanish mammals *Of the 118 species of mammal, 5 were introduced in the 20th century (American mink, marmot, muffloun, coypu). Several were introduced centuries ago (fallow deer, ginet, Egyptian mongoose, the latter two by the Arabs, probably as pets) and are are now considered as native. There are 85 native terrestrial mammals. See English-Spanish-Latin mammal checklist for Spain -Recent figures for 2004 suggest a slight recovery in the Cantabrian-Asturian population of bears, up from 75-80 to 120-130 individuals. 13-15 bears hang on in the Pyrenness. In 1900, there were an estimated 2000 bears left in Spain . -Spain is one of the last remaining refuges of the European wolf. The population is slowly recovering from its 1970 low of 400-500 odd individuals with current (2003) figures estimated at 2,500, almost 30% of European wolf numbers outside the ex-USSR. In early 2004, a wolf was detected in Northern Catalonia for first time in more than a century. It is thought to have made its way through France from the Italian Alps. - The fox is probably the most common Spanish carnivore, its numbers estimated at 500,000-1,000,000 individuals. - The otter is present in 42 of the 47 Spanish mainland provinces, and is absent from the islands. Population is thought to have fallen by 60% between 1966 and 1985, though is now slowly recovering in many areas. - The bucado ( Capra pyrenaica pyrenaica ) a sub-species of the Spanish mountain goat enjoys the doubtful distinction of being the first mammal to be become extinct in Europe in a 100 years, despite being protected since the early 20th century. The last one, a female, was killed by a falling tree. - There are 27 species of bat. There are 11 species of shrew, 3 of which are endemic - Around 500 whales, dolphins and porpoises beach on Spanish coasts a year. Fishing practices, gregarian instincts and currents are the main causes. Six whales beached as a result of the prestige disaster. - In 2000 there were 160 lynxes in breeding age. In 2004 there are 100
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There are all kinds of deer, bear, wild boar, etc

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