Sunday, May 1, 2011

I live in Spain, if i was to get pregnant and have scans etc, would this be free or would i have to pay

I live in Spain, if i was to get pregnant and have scans etc, would this be free or would i have to pay?
I plan to move back before the baby is born, so all i would require is ultrasound scans. Would they be free?
Pregnancy - 2 Answers
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1 :
hiya i lived in spain for 7 years and yes you do have to pay for them they charege about 40 euros sweet good luck sonja x
2 :
When We had our daughter in Spain 2 yrs ago, as English ex-pats living here legally ( and paying social security contributions ) we received 3 scans totally free of charge. Even though we had Private Health Insurance we were that comfortable and Impressed with the state healthcare that we received we went through the whole pregnancy with it.

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